A downloadable game

Lucid City RPG

The world is a dream. Once you realized that, you were never able to sleep again. Now you and your fellow oneironauts, people who can Alter reality at great personal risk, team up to rid the city of Nightmares, block by block.

Lucid City is a rules lite one-page TTRPG inspired by movies like Dark City, Inception, The Matrix, Jacob's Ladder, Final Destination, and The City of Lost Children.


This is a blackjack-style d20 roll-under system. Roll high, but not over. When a player attempts something risky, the GM will ask them to roll a d20 to make an appropriate skill check. 

If the result is...

  • Over the skill: They fail.
  • Equal to the skill: Jackpot! Succeed and Alter for free, without raising Doom.
  • Under skill, over Doom: Succeed.
  • Equal or under Doom: Fail and raise Doom by 1 (a doomed roll).

Example: King dives to avoid falling debris. They roll a 7 on a Move skill check. Their Move is 8 and their Doom is 4. Success!


“We don’t know. Some of us believe it’s all a dream, or a nightmare. Others say we’re trapped in purgatory. Maybe the City is an illusion or a simulation. The one thing we can agree on is, when you’re gone, you’re gone. There’s no coming back.”
— Jaquelyn Threadbare, oneironaut.


Special thanks to Jesse Ross and Violet Hargrave for their feedback and guidance. Layout by Jesse Ross. Art by Aroderick.


Lucid City v1.0 (2023-12-16) - Booklet.pdf 1 MB
Lucid City v1.0 (2023-12-16) - Half Letter.pdf 1 MB
Lucid City Character Sheet Fillable v1.5.pdf 90 kB
Lucid City Character Sheet Print v1.5.pdf 67 kB

Install instructions

Lucid City comes in two versions (the contents are the same):

  • Booklet is a fold-in-half zine-style one-page PDF.
  • Half Letter a more standard four-page PDF.

To print a double-sided zine, open the Booklet PDF, select print, then select "Print on both sides of paper" and "Flip on short edge"

Development log

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