An Unexpected Game Jamourney

Note: This is my first Devlog I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.
This was unexpected! In a burst of creativity, I joined a Game Jam and wrote a scenario for the Cold War paranormal mercenary RPG, FIST.
FIST is an indie RPG inspired by the likes of A-Team and Doom Patrol. I can see it working for a Hellboy/BRPD situation as well. Characters are simple, but have 100 Feat-like abilities, which mix and match to make interesting combos. This is the kind of game design I live for. The book is short, but contains everything you need. It not only tells you how to make characters, enemies, scenarios -- it includes samples in the book. Why don't more games do this? (Er, the scenarios for Artifacts & Adventure are coming, I promise!)
And the best news is, if you backed the BLM or Ukraine bundles, FIST should already be in your library.
My scenario, NEST, is weird and kind of off-putting and poorly timed considering the current world stage, But it's based on a so-bad-its-good 80s movie, and my love for those knows no bounds. If America ever declares war on the fictional country of Parmistan, I'll be there publishing adventures based on Gymkata.
Did I say "poorly timed"? Well, not entirely. NEST plays with the Kids on Bikes trope, and the freshly released season 4 of Stranger Things is a happy coincidence. If you ever wanted to play a group of supernatural or superscience over the top mercenaries posing as 80s kids using holographic projectors, and going on magical adventures while trying to hide your ulterior motive from school yard bullies and snooping principals, this is the scenario for you.
Get NEST: A Heartwarming Scenario for FIST RPG
NEST: A Heartwarming Scenario for FIST RPG
Mercenaries disguised as kids on bikes? Stranger things have happened.
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